Bala Ave Art Walk

The deadline for this show has passed but we are still accepting applications for our Waitlist. If a spot opens and we feel your work is a good fit, we’ll get in touch. The fee is waived for the waitlist, so please ignore the payment page after you submit the application. It will still go through to us. Thanks!

The Art Star Pop Up Market is a juried arts & crafts retail show.  We are primarily looking for artists & crafters who create handmade, original work.  However, we are open to products that are designed by the artist & produced in small quantities within the U.S.  All mediums are welcome.

We do not accept any vintage or resale at this show. Jewelry vendors, please note that we typically do not accept beaded or assembled charm jewelry. We are looking for primarily hand fabricated pieces. You are welcome to still apply, but please keep this in mind.

The event is held outdoors & each participant will be provided with a 10’ x 10’ space.  Participants are required to bring everything that is needed for set up & display (tents, weights, tables, chairs, etc.)  Rentals and electricity are not available at this event.

We will be communicating with you via email only.  Check your emails (spam and promotions folders) regularly for updates.

Location: On Bala Ave from Montgomery to Cynwyd

Dates: Sunday, September 15th 11am – 4pm

Non-refundable Application Fee: $15
Vendor Fee:
10×10 space: $75

**All applicants must pay the application fee to apply & will be notified of acceptance by end of the day Friday, August 2nd. Upon acceptance, artists will have from August 2nd – 9th to pay the vendor fee.


*images must be representative of work that applicant plans on selling at the show
Please include the URL of your website in the application and attach 3-5 digital image. If you have an image of your booth display, please also include that (though it is not required). Please keep in mind that we are judging your work based on the quality of the images that you send.  The images you submit, if accepted, may be used for promotional purposes.

For more information, or questions, please contact: Megan Brewster or Erin Waxman,